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RSpec. How to check if the object method is called?

I'm writing the spec for controller:

it 'should call the method that performs the movies search' do
  movie = Movie.new
  get :find_similar, {:id => '1'}

and my controller looks like:

def find_similar
 @movies = Movie.find(params[:id]).search_similar

after running the rspec i get the following:

1) MoviesController searching by director name should call the method that performs the movies search
 Failure/Error: movie.should_receive(:search_similar)
   (#<Movie:0xaa2a454>).search_similar(any args)
       expected: 1 time
       received: 0 times
 # ./spec/controllers/movies_controller_spec.rb:33:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

which i seem to understand and accept, because in my controller code i invoke the Class (Movie) method and i don't see any way to connect "find_similar" with object, created in the spec.

So the question is -> what is the way to check if the method is called on the object, created in spec?

it 'should call the method that performs the movies search' do
  movie = Movie.new
  get :find_similar, {:id => '1'}

For what is worth, I'm totally against these stub-all-things tests, they just make code changes harder and are actually testing nothing but code structure.

At first, your movie is not persisted yet.

At second, not fact, that will have id 1

So try this

it 'should call the method that performs the movies search' do
  movie = Movie.create
  get :find_similar, {:id => movie.id}

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