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Update subviews from Ember.View

I'm doing an ajax form with a server API calls. The server can returns errors messages for specific fields (example: url => 'This url is incorrect').

So I've created a specific view for my form Textfield:

{{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="value"}}
{{#if hasError}}
    <div class="error">{{errorMessage}}</div>

App.TextField = Ember.View.extend({
    hasError: false,
    errorMessage: "",
    templateName:     "textfield",

And In my form view template I have:

<div class="form-row">
    <div class="form-element"><div class="input-wrapper">{{view App.TextField valueBinding="skill.job"}}</div></div>

submit: function() {
    var skill = this.get("skill");

    .fail( function(e) {
        //how could I set the errorMessage in my App.TextField

When the user click on the submit button, I'm sending all form datas to the server and retrieving errors messages.

My question is how can I do to update the "subview" App.TextField to set the error messages?

You could use a custom App.Error object which holds the error messages. Also, if you are planning to use ember-data there is a discussion about validation https://github.com/emberjs/data/pull/130 . And there's a validation extension in the excellent Ember.js addons: https://github.com/capita.netrain/ember-addons/tree/master/packages/ember-validators/lib .

Here's what I have in mind, see http://jsfiddle.net/pangratz666/kQJ2t/ :

Handlebars :

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="edit" >
    name: {{view App.TextField valueBinding="content.name" propertyName="name" }}</br>
    age: {{view App.TextField valueBinding="content.age" propertyName="age" }}</br>
    <button {{action "save"}}>save</button>

JavaScript :

App.Error = Ember.Object.extend({
    isError: function(propertyName) {
        return !Ember.empty(this.getErrorMessage(propertyName));
    getErrorMessage: function(propertyName) {
        return this.get(propertyName);

App.ErrorMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
    classNameBindings: ['isError:error'],
    errorBinding: 'parentView.error',

    template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('{{#if isError}}{{errorMessage}}{{/if}}'),

    isError: function() {
        var error = this.get('error');
        return error && error.isError(this.get('propertyName'));
    }.property('error', 'propertyName'),

    errorMessage: function() {
        var error = this.get('error');
        if (error) {
            var propertyName = this.get('propertyName');
            return error.getErrorMessage(propertyName);
    }.property('error', 'propertyName')

App.TextField = Ember.TextField.extend(App.ErrorMixin);

The error object is then constructed like this:

    templateName: 'edit',
    contentBinding: 'App.obj',
    save: function() {
        var content = this.get('content');
        var error = this.get('error');
        if (error) {

        error = App.Error.create();

        if (content.get('age') <= 100) {
            error.set('age', 'sorry, you are not wise enough');

        if ('Chuck Norris' === content.get('name')) {
            error.set('name', 'yeah, and i am the queen of england');

        this.set('error', error);

On form.handlebars set an id for it manually (so it will override the one that ember generates automatically):

<div class="form-row">
  <div class="form-element"><div class="input-wrapper">{{view App.TextField id="skill_job" valueBinding="skill.job"}}</div></div>

And then:

submit: function() {
    var skill = this.get("skill");

    .fail( function(e) {
        Ember.View.views["skill_job"].set('errorMessage', 'blah');
        Ember.View.views["skill_job"].set('hasError', true);
        // of course you will probably want to handle this message from the request or whatever, hope you get the idea

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