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HTTPS implementation in Ruby on rails

I was trying to implement https on a subdomain. I have included SSL_requriment plugin

my application controller has two statements:

  include SslRequirement
  ssl_required if ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "production"

I have generated key, csr and crt and specified this in apache config file:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName app.my_app.com
    DocumentRoot /home/me/my_app/production/current/public
    <VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName app.my_app.com
    DocumentRoot /home/me/my_app/production/current/public
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /home/me/my_app/production/shared/plusrev.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /home/me/my_app/production/shared/plusrev.key

Still my subdomain is not redirecting to https. Anything I am missing.

There are no actions passed to ssl_required. However I guess you want to add

def ssl_required?

to your controller so https is required for all actions by default.

The plugin API isn't obvious so look into the code.

Here is the solution.


 gem 'grosser-ssl_requirement', :require => 'ssl_requirement'

in you gemFile. Here is the gem guide

In your application controller:

 include SslRequirement
 ssl_required :all if ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "production"

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