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Autorotate not working after reload view controller

I'm trying to make an iPhone app, but i found some issue that auto-rotate is not working after I reload the view controller.
here is the code for loading the app for first run:

//AppDelegate.m:<br />
-(BOOL) application:(UIApplication *)application 
        didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    iPhoneScanViewController = [[iPhoneScan alloc] init];
    iPhoneScanViewController.ENAD = self;
    [window addSubview:iPhoneScanViewController.view];
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES];

the view controller loads, autorotate is working.
then sometimes I need to reload the view controller, this is what I use:

-(void) resetIphoneScan {
    if (iPhoneScanViewController) {
        [iPhoneScanViewController release];
    iPhoneScanViewController = [[iPhoneScan alloc] init];
    iPhoneScanViewController.ENAD = self;

    for (UIView *view in [window subviews])
        [view removeFromSuperview];

    [window addSubview:iPhoneScanViewController.view];
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];

After I reload / resetIphoneScan, the autorotate won't work. I've spend a few days on this problem and I haven't found solution for that. I really appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance.


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