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NUget package manager change directory

I am trying to install Entity Framework using the NUget package manager using the following command

Install-Package EntityFramework -Pre

but it is giving me the following error

The term 'Install-Package' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

What I noticed is that on console I am getting

PS C:\Users\tz>  Install-Package EntityFramework -Pre

I think it should be

PM  Install-Package EntityFramework -Pre

If I am right how to change that

This is a rare issue with the console initialization ( Issue #1953 in NuGet issue tracker) that should be fixed with the next version of Nuget (1.8).

As a work around restarting VS should fix it.

I got this same behavior after upgrading to NuGet 1.7.

PS C:\Users\tz>

It fixed itself after rebooting the machine.

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