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Windows Phone 7.1 Light/Dark themes management

How does exactly work themes switching in application? What if I override the default styles? Can I also define different styles for light and dark themes separately? Why the icons colos get changed - ie the black background of icons changes into white if the theme is set to Dark. Will it also be changed to white if I override the background style of application bar to white explicitly? How can I make sure nothing gets changed and my app looks the same in Light and Dark themes?

我个人使用Jeff Wilcox的PhoneThemeManager进行主题覆盖作品!

Of course, it is better to have the same UX across all the Windows Phone application when it comes to light/dark theme support, but I agree that sometimes it is really needed to override the theme.

You can probably find more information in this thread: How to override WindowsPhone dark theme by light

and also previously I was using this tutorial to customize light and dark themes: http://blog.richardszalay.com/2011/06/11/practical-support-for-light-dark-themes-on-windows-phone-7/

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