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Iframe and absolute positioned elements

I have a small issue with absolute positioned elements inside of iframe.

So I have a page, on the page I have a iframe with small game. In the game is a guy and the guy has absolute positioned pupils. The pupils are moving by javascript. Everything works just fine, but if I open that page, and go ahead and browse other pages in different tabs, After I come back the pupils are on other place than before (completely ut form eyes.)

There are more elements positioned absolutely in that iframe and none have the same problem I guess it is because of the Javascript animation. Did someone encouter similar problem? Im sorry but for many reasons I cannot post the page here.

I can post script for pupils animation:

function eyes_sides(){

function eyes_roll(){

function animate_eyes(){
      var animation = random_number(1,2);
        case 1:
        case 2: 
      var delay = random_number(4000,12000);          
      window.animateEyes = setTimeout(function(){animate_eyes()},delay);

The script is not perfect, but does what requires.

I was thinking what could cause the problem, and maybe it is somehow connected to that animation runs when the tab is not active? Maybe adding "onBlur" and "onFocus" to stop / start animation would help?

Thanks for advice!

This code is supposed to stop the animation. At least it triggres onblur on your IFRAME . You'll figure out easily, how to start the animation again.

I'm not familiar with jQuery, but you can "translate" the code.

window.onload=function (){
    var ifr=document.getElementById('your_iframe');
    (function (x){x.onblur=function (){clearTimeout(x.contentWindow.animatedEyes);return;}}(ifr));

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