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How to make two AIR IOS application communicate?

One possible solution is using Custom URL:

I follow the following tutorial and then further explore for the communicate for the two AIR applications in IOS. - The first app uses Custom URI "fbMY_APP_ID" as described in your first step, which is alright to be called by Safari. - The second app uses URLRequest with the Custom URI to communicate with first app.

I get the error: "SecurityError: Error #2193: Security sandbox violation: navigateToURL: app:/secondApp.swf cannot access tfbMY_APP_ID://test".

  1. Am I missing something in this approach? Is there any way to get rid of the problem?
  2. Is there any other way besides using Custom URL?

According to security sandbox imposed by Adobe AIR, navigateURL is restricted to well-known protocols such as http:, https:, sms:, tel:, mailto:, file:, app:, app-storage:, vipaccess: and connectpro:. You may find more information via here and here .

One way to work around is to utilize an html page as intermediate, where the page would relay the calls.

You can add a custom protocol from the application manifest file like this (you can add more than one protocol)


and you call the custom protocol like this:

<a href="thisIsSomeCustomAppProtocol://SomeCustomDataString_goes_here&use_url_encoded_strings:">This will call the App with some parameters included (if need be)</a>

Or use navigateToURL(...) like this:

var _customURL_str:String       = "thisIsSomeCustomAppProtocol://SomeCustomDataString_goes_here&use_url_encoded_strings";
var _isProtocolAvailable:Boolean= URLUtils.instance.canOpenUrl(_customURL_str);
    navigateToURL(new URLRequest(_customURL_str));

To listen for the call and actualy process the data that's being passed, do this:


The event handler would process the data like this:

private function onInvoke(e:InvokeEvent):void
    var _queryString:String = e.arguments[0] ? e.arguments[0] : "";
    if(_queryString.length > 0){
        //handle the incomming data string
        //no extra data string was sent

hope that helps



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