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Modify custom field after save_post

In my custom post type, once the user saves the post, is there a way to check the value of one of the fields and update it? The value I will insert will depend on the post's ID so save_post needs to be used in case it's a new post.

Yes you can have all of your data from $_POST or global $post after you save or update the post using save_post hook as you mentioned in your question

add_action( 'save_post', 'afterSavePost' );
function afterSavePost($pid)
    // or
    global $post;
    // or

You mentioned custom field and in that case you can use

$yourCustomField=get_post_meta($postId, 'your_custom_field',true); // get a custom field


$yourCustomField="New value";
update_post_meta($postId, 'your_custom_field', $yourCustomField); // update a custom field

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