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Get Address and Phone Numbers from Contact?

In my app I need to get a bunch of contact details, I can successfully get things like first and last name like so:

NSString *firstName = (__bridge NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);

However I can't get any phone numbers of address details like this, any help in doing would be much appreciated, thanks.

A person has only one name, but might have multiple phone numbers. You need to get all known phones, like this:

ABMultiValueRef allPhones = ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonPhoneProperty);

Then you can look for a specific number (home, work, mobile, etc.) inside the ABMultiValueRef . Same goes for the address.

Here is a good answer demonstrating the technique; it's pre-ARC, so naturally you will need to add __bridge to the casts.

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