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UITableView InsertRows (insertRowsAtIndexPaths) only animates one of two sections

Before the table update, my table datasource has only one section with one row:

  • Section 0
    • Row [0,0]

After the update the data source returns two more sections, each with only one row:

  • Section 0
    • Row [0,0]
  • Section 1
    • Row [1,0]
  • Section 2
    • Row [2,0]

I use the following code to animate the table update:

// update the table data source, without reloading the table


// insert sections 1 and 2
TableView.InsertSections(NSIndexSet.FromNSRange(new NSRange(1, 2)), UITableViewRowAnimation.Fade);

// insert two new rows, one for each new section (rows [1,0] and [2,0])
TableView.InsertRows(new NSIndexPath[] { NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(0, 1), NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(0, 2) }, UITableViewRowAnimation.Fade);


However, only section 1 and its row are animated. Section 2 (with row [2,0]) appears instantly and does not move/fade a bit. I also checked with "Slow Animations" toggled.

What is wrong with this code?

Edit: I forgot to mention, the problem exists also if I omit the InsertRows call, which is unnecessary according Sam's answer.

Found out why: I was creating a new UITableViewSource instance every time UpdateTable() was invoked. This went all fine and well, except for some details when animating the changing of the table sections and rows.

When I changed the code to reuse the UITableViewSource instance, everything worked as expected.

When inserting a section you do not need to animate individual rows. Just call insert section code. Also, similarly when removing a section you do not need to remove rows within.

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