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How to add a variable to an a href selector in jQuery?

I'm trying to add a selected class to a post in ruby on rails.

When I insert loc into the query a[href selector it doesn't work even though loc is giving the correct url.

$(document).ready ->
    jQuery ->
        loc = location.href.substring(7)
        loc = loc.substring(loc.indexOf("/"))

I want to put loc into the selector, like this $('a[href$=""+loc]').addClass("selected");

But it's not applying the selected class. Any help?



This is basic JavaScript string concatenation:

var loc = "6";
'a[href$=""+loc]'    //-> 'a[href$=""+loc]'  oops
'a[href$="'+loc+'"]' //-> 'a[href$="6"]'     yay!

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