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How can I set the value inside a field to a table td with Jquery?

I have few fields and I want the values inside those fields to get copied to tbody td . I have made an jsfiddle could someone please take a look at it.


I would like to have each tbody td looks like follow:

Copied value: (value that was typed inside the fields)

Any kind of help is appreciated

Thanks in advance!

Well here is a working version of your code . Now for the explanation.

Quick! What is wrong with this code.

<select id="SubjectTypeName" id="1">

It has two id s which prevents us from selecting it by id . Secondly, in your code you are trying to set the value of a textbox ( #1 ) to the value of a td ( #S ).


So we need to change that code to.


Ah, but this code still won't work. This is because a cell doesn't have a value attribute, which is what val() returns. Instead we are trying to set the innerHTML ; which has a jQuery alternative of html() .


And, tada! It works! =D

EDIT: Getting the text of a selected option.

To do this we need to get the selected option. Which we can do via the :selected selector.

$("#1 option:selected");

Now we just get the inner text of this using the text() method.

$("#1 option:selected").text();

Put it all together and we get.

$("#S").html($("#1 option:selected").text());

change the jquery code to

$('#next-step').click(function() {
    $('#S').html('Copied value: ('+$("#1").val()+')');
    $('#C').html('Copied value: ('+$("#2").val()+')');
    $('#T').html('Copied value: ('+$("#3").val()+')');

hope this helps

this is your html

<input type="text" value="" id ="three" />
<input type="text" value="" id="two" />
<select id="one">
<option value="">Select something</option>
<option value="2">test1</option>
<option value="3">test2</option>
<option value="4">test3</option>
<table class="box-style3" border="1">
<tr><td id="S">Copied value:</td></tr>
<tr><td id ="C">Copied value:</td></tr>
<tr><td id="T">Copied value:</td></tr>

<input type="button" id="next-step"  value="save">

this is your js

$('#next-step').click(function() {

and its working

Most of the guys already gave answers, here's mine though.

Your HTML code:

<input type="text" value="" id ="3" />
<input type="text" value="" id="2" />
<select id="1">
<option value="">Select something</option>
<option value="2">test1</option>
<option value="3">test2</option>
<option value="4">test3</option>
<table class="box-style3" border="1">
    <tr><td id="S">Copied value:</td></tr>
    <tr><td id ="C">Copied value:</td></tr>
    <tr><td id="T">Copied value:</td></tr>

<input type="button" id="next-step"  value="save">

and here's the script

$('#next-step').click(function() {
    $('#S').append($('#1 option:selected').text());

​Simpy remove this id on the select tag, id="SubjectTypeName" and you're good to go.

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