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Solr query looking for IN, IT, or IS in field

When performing these queries (separately):






... I get all items in the index returned. I want to get only the items whose country field matches those params. I've tried every combination of escaping with single/double quotes and single/double slashes. When doing so, no items are returned at all.

I've verified that items exist in the index for these params by dumping the whole index (with a loose query) and identifying them. I'm on django-haystack in case that matters, but the issue is there for both the Django python shell and the Solr web admin interfaces.

Thanks for any help!

Filter queries return a subset of documents that match them.

fq=country:(IN OR IT OR IS)

Those are standard noise / stop words. You can either remove the terms from the stopwords file (stopwords_en.txt) and redindex your documents. Or set the type to string and use fq like aitchnyu mentions above.

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