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Call to function 'CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes' returns a Core Foundation object with a +1 retain count

I am converting my project to ARC and Xcode thinks there is a memory leak here, does anyone see anything wrong with this? I didn't write this code so I am not familiar with C calls.

- (NSString*) URLEscaped

    NSString *encodedString = (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(

    return encodedString;


Under ARC you can use __bridge_transfer to transfer memory management of the returned string to ARC:

NSString *encodedString = (__bridge_transfer NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(

From the docs :

There are many ways in which you can get a reference to an object using Core Foundation. In line with the Core Foundation ownership policy, you need to know whether or not you own an object returned by a function so that you know what action to take with respect to memory management. Core Foundation has established a naming convention for its functions that allows you to determine whether or not you own an object returned by a function. In brief, if a function name contains the word "Create" or "Copy", you own the object. If a function name contains the word "Get", you do not own the object.

Yes, you're leaking a CFString there.

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