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HTML5 audio player visualization

i'm working on a HTML5 audio player, and i'm stuck at making audio visualizations... I was googling and i only found visualizations that are supported by firefox or chrome. So now i'm here asking: is it possible to create audio visualizations with HTML5 and Javascript for all newest browsers? If the anwser is yes: how? If the anwser is no: what can you recomend then?

  1. No. You're going to need a combination of the web audio API, and either canvas or webgl for the rendering. As you've discovered, the web audio API is only partially supported in Chrome, Firefox and Safari .
  2. Flash. It has a very capable sound API and is supported in all the newest desktop browsers (as well as the older ones).

This bloke , who appears to post quite frequently on HTML5 audio, has worked around the lack of support for the web audio API by pre-processing his audio data and saving it as JavaScript. Depending on your requirements, this may be an option.

No, as of now it does not look possible for all browsers. I recommend dancer.js for your requirement. Check out the demo at http://jsantell.github.com/dancer.js/#

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