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How to connect the current user and the user of a web application using htpasswd in python?

I have a python script which is using htpasswd authentication. I wish to modify the script depending on the user who has logged in currently. This application is web-enabled. eg.

if current_username = 'ABC':
   m = 2 
elif current_username = 'PQE':   
   m = 4
   m = 6

Any of the user can log in any time / simultaneously. Want the simplest and most efficient solution. Can anybody help? How do I know which of the user has logged in at any point of time? import getpass getpass.getuser() in the script ?

If you are looking to retrieve a value for specific usernames, you could use a dictionary to store the mapping between username and value. For example, your code above could be rewritten:

username_mapping = {"ABC": 2, "PQE": 4}
# The second argument to get will be returned if the key could not be found
# in the dictionary
m = username_mapping.get(current_username, 6)

For a larger system, you might want to look into a distributed key value store (redis would be a good place to start).

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