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Applying different stylesheets for differently sized browser windows on the fly

I'm using the following code to select a different stylesheet if the browser is above or below a certain height. Works great when you land on the page, or if you resize the window then refresh. But is there any way I can tweak this to select the correct style sheet on the fly, as the window is resized?

if (window.innerHeight <= 900) {
} else {

function loadcss(file) {
    var el = document.createElement('link');
    el.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
    el.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
    el.setAttribute('href', file);

Perhaps it could be worth looking into an existing library such as twitter bootstrap ? They offer responsive stylesheets out of the box that adjust automatically when the window is resized.

You can add event handle to you script. With jquery

   if (window.innerHeight <= 900) {
   } else {


without jquery window.onresize = function(){}

Here is what we have to do:

  1. Whenever the browser is resized, check that the resize has caused the browser height to change from small (<= 900px) to big (> 900px), or vice versa. If this hasn't happened, for example if the user has resized only from 600px to 601px, we don't need to replace the CSS.
  2. Whenever, we detect that the browser has resized from small to big, or vice versa, we carefully select the old container_lg.css or container_sm.css and remove it.
  3. Then, we add the appropriate CSS.

Here is the code:

var SMALL = 0;
var BIG = 1;
var previousSize = null;
var thresholdHeight = 400;
var firstCall = true;;

function selectCSS()
    if ((previousSize == null || previousSize == BIG) &&
         window.innerHeight <= thresholdHeight) {

        previousSize = SMALL;

    } else if ((previousSize == null || previousSize == SMALL) &&
                window.innerHeight > thresholdHeight) {

        previousSize = BIG;

function removeOldCSS(file)
    var headNode = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    var linkNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
    for (var i = 0; i < linkNodes.length; i++) {
        var linkNode = linkNodes[i];
        if (linkNode.parentNode == headNode &&
            linkNode.href.search(/css\/container_(?:sm|lg).css$/) >= 0) {


function loadNewCSS(file)
    var el = document.createElement('link');
    el.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
    el.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
    el.setAttribute('href', file);

window.onload = selectCSS;
window.onresize = selectCSS;

Try this:

document.body.onresize = function (){
    if (window.innerHeight <= 900) {
    } else {

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