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How do I make my HtmlMenuItem open a URL in a new tab?

I am using richFaces 3.3.3.

I need to make a menuItem open a new tab with a simple URL ... for example google.com. For now I tried this code:

HtmlMenuItem menuItem = new HtmlMenuItem();
menuItem.setValue("My menu link new tab");


But this makes my current tab is redirected to google, and open a new tab with the context in which I was. I want to stay in my place, and the new tab "_blank" go to google.

I tried to replace onClick by onComplete, but this make new tab enter in my context too. But don't execute I tried to put an HtmlOutputLink as children of my menuItem, but not execute a click for outPutLink .. execute a click for menuItem ...

HtmlMenuItem menuItem = new HtmlMenuItem();
menuItem.setValue("My menu link new tab");
HtmlOutputLink cLink = new HtmlOutputLink();

You can use only a OutputLink, something like:

HtmlOutputLink cLink = new HtmlOutputLink();
HtmlOutputLabel label = new HtmlOutputLabel();

So, just add your link on some component. Maybe HtmlMenuItem use javascript to open the page and your browser see it like a Pop-up.

Are you using this? <ui:include src="#{bean.link}"/>

Your question is not really precise, so I just could come up with this idea ...

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