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Load JavaScript file inside another JS file

I'm using node.js and socket.io and doing a server/client thing. On my Server, is since its' not on a webpage, is there a way I can load the latest file (or latest jQuery?) so I can use jQuery functions inside my Server js file.

I tried doing npm install jquery then drag the jquery folder into my node_modules folder onto my website. Then at he top of my file I put var $ = require('jQuery'); and then I run it and I get the error Cannot find module 'location'


I was getting this same issue. I created a small test applications (with express), installed jquery afresh and things started working.

Checking my initial project a couple of changes seemed significant

  1. I did an npm unisntall for jquery and jsdom
  2. I did an npm install jquery (note, lowercase)
  3. I changed my require('jQuery') to be require('jquery') (again, lowercase)

I think the significant part was removing and reinstalling jsdom and jquery but the others then were required to get things working again.

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