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How can I display a matrix table in asp.net mvc3?

I'm on a little project that involves using entity framework and asp.net mvc3 to display many to many relationship database in a matrix view. The three tables involved are SalesPerson (Row label), Product(Column label) and Sales:


How can I develop/generate this kind of view in asp.net mvc3 ?

    @foreach (var m in Model)
        foreach (var p in m.Products)

    @foreach (var m in Model)
        foreach (var s in m.SalesPersons)

 @*Sales: a.Amount*@    

Transform your data using a LINQ query similar to this one

var salesTable =
    from s in m.Sales
    group s by s.SalesPerson.Label into g
    select new
        rowKey = g.Key,
        rowData = g.Select(s => new { Product = s.Product, Amount = s.Amount }).OrderBy(s => s.Product.Label)

Generating table rows is then easy

@foreach (var tableRow in salesTable)
        @foreach (var sale in tableRow.rowData)

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