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jQuery - Drag and drop List reordering

I have a HTML list that I'd like to allow the user to be able to re-order through drag-and-dropping, and then submit their changes to the database.

I'm happy with all the database stuff, but I'm struggling with the Javascript/JQuery.

I've currently got jQuery UI Sortable working fine (so the other and re-order elements via drag-and-drop), but I don't know how to go about getting the new order for the SUBMIT.

Can anyone help? If you need more information, just say. Thanks!

send that data to your application via an AJAX call for example

$('#TabContainer .ui-tabs-nav').sortable({
    axis: 'x',
    update: function(event, ui){
        var data = $('#TabContainer .ui-tabs-nav').sortable('serialize');
            url: '/events/update-tab-order',
            data: data,
            type: 'POST',
            mode: 'abort'

The only tricky part is that you must specify an ID on the list items in the format of groupname_identifier . For example:

<div id="TabContainer">
        <li id="MyTabs_123"><a href="#tab0">Tab 1</a></li>
        <li id="MyTabs_124"><a href="#tab1">Tab 2</a></li>
    ...tab content goes here

Then when your application receives the POST data, it will be an array that looks like this:


    0 => '123',
    1 => '124'

Take a look @ serialize(), I made the same thing without an explicit submit button, but directly inject the order by ajax using mootools.

<script language="javascript">
            window.addEvent('domready', function() {
                var thisSortables = new Sortables($('list'), {
                    constrain: true,
                    clone: true,
                    revert: true,
                    onStart: function() {
                        $('confirm').set('html', '');
                    onComplete: function() {
                        this.serialize(function(el, index) {
                            var updateOrderRequest = new Request.HTML({
                                url: '../module/tools/admgn/dbsorter.php',
                                method: 'post',
                                data: {'itemID': el.id.replace("item_",""), 'new_pos':(index+1)}
                        $('confirm').set('html', 'Reihenfolge erfolgreich gespeichert.');

Maybe you get the idea how you can make it work.

Since <UL> and <OL> is not form element you cannot get through post method , I hope you can do by this


make all options as selected and hide the available part as hidden

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