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dynamically loading html title attribute

Here is an excerpt from my markup:

    <img src="<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'thumbnail_value', true); ?>" title="<?php the_tags(); ?>" alt="" class="thumb"></a>

I've put in the "title" attribute <?php the_tags(); ?> <?php the_tags(); ?> which is a function from Wordpress. When I check the markup in Firebug I see this:

li class="view view_2 view-first">
<a id="50" href="" class="thumb_link" onclick="update_default_proj_list(1, '', '_'); getProject(50);"><span class="selected"></span><img 

src="13370318682.jpg" title="Tags: &lt;a href=" http:="" whiteandgold.ro="" realty="" ?tag="house&quot;" rel="tag">house</a>, <a href="http://

whiteandgold.ro/realty/?tag=rent-3" rel="tag">rent</a>" alt="" class="thumb"&gt;

I've tried to hide that text with :

img.thumb[title] {text-indent:-9999px;}

a[rel~="tag"] { text-indent:-999px;}`

And it's not working, also you can see this here ( try to inspect a thumbnail)

the_tags() renders HTML, so you shouldn't put it inside the title attribute. Put it outside of any HTML attributes:

<div id="thepost">
  // stuff
  <?php the_tags(); ?>

If you still want to do this for some reason, you can make it work by using htmlspecialchars :

<img src="<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'thumbnail_value', true); ?>" title="<?php htmlspecialchars(the_tags()); ?>" alt="" class="thumb"></a>

Or maybe you just want a comma-separated list of tags, in which case you can generate it using get_the_tags() (which gives you an array of tags that you can do whatever you want with).

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