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passing xml using curl with two models in rails

I want to pass this through curl:


I have two models, invoice and invoice_detail, which are associated, by the way. I have a primary key for the invoice to be passed to all the invoice_details so i can id them. for example, if the primary key is 200, i want all the details below that invoice to have a foreign key of 200, too. How am i gonna be able to achieve this? Thanks a lot.

Create an xml view for this action. In your controller, I suppose you have the following respond_to block:
respond_to do |format|
format.xml {render :xml => @invoice}

For more on creating xml views, check out xml builder or this SO question

To pass it through curl, request the .xml in the url, for example:

curl "http://yourapp.com/invoices/2/show.xml"

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