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Is it possible that I can call another event handler inside an event?

I have these two set of codes, one is to prompt whenever the button is clicked,

    var baker_url = base_url + 'baker/baker/manage/Bread/1';
    var answer = confirm('Are you sure?');
    if(answer == true){
        // if this is true, i will call an external script so that within this condition that process will be executed
    else if(answer == false){
        return false; // exits

and then this piece of code right here is the one responsible for executing the process when the button is clicked,

        var baker_url = base_url + 'baker/baker/manage/Bread/1';
        var form    = '#'+ $(this).attr('rel');
        var url     = $(form).attr('action');
        var target  = '#'+ $(form).attr('rel');
            $.post(url, $(form).serialize(),function(data) {
                    if(data == '<div class="ok">Added</div>'){
                    window.location = baker_url; // sets the url after refreshing


in the first function, when answer == true , i want to execute the latter function ( the one with the process execution when button is clicked ).

Is it really possible that I can call an another function or event handler to execute its process inside another function?

If I understand the question correctly, you have an effect that needs to happen either when you click button #2 or when you click button #1 AND click yes in a prompt? If so I can think of three options:

  1. Name the second function and make it work if e is undefined; all it really does with it is prevent default. You could then call the named function from the first event.

  2. Better version of 1: Make a new function that does everything except e.preventDefault(); in the second piece of code. You could then call this from both events.

  3. Use jQuery to simulate a click event for the second button, if 'yes' is selected at the first one.

EDIT The second one would be preferable in this case. Use the third one if you actually need the event object for something.

Not sure if that is what you want

if(answer == true){
    // if this is true, i will call an external script so that within this condition that process will be executed

This will trigger a call the click event handlers bound on the $('.another_button_class') element.

make sure to use e.preventDefault(); on the first click as well, or the link will be followed

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