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python - unitest setUp tearDown in different contexts

Deo python support setUp() and tearDown() acts differently depending on the context? By all means, I am asking about if I can do something like this:

setUp() {
         do A;
         do B;

tearDown() {
         do A;
         do B;

You should think about doing 2 different classes (maybe with some a common ancestor) of test for each context of test you need, it would be easier.

Something like this :

class BaseTest():
    def test_01a(self):

class Context1TestCase(BaseTest, unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # do what you need for context1

    def tearDown(self):
        # do what you need for context1

class Context2TestCase(BaseTest, unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # do what you need for context2

    def tearDown(self):
        # do what you need for context2

this way, test_01a will be executed once in context1, once in context2.

Yeah, and just like you show it: use if blocks and only do particular parts of the setup if the condition is true.

I think what you're getting at is to have different versions of setUp and tearDown for different tests. I'd actually suggest that you either:

  • split the tests into different TestCase subclasses with the proper setUp / tearDown methods
  • or don't use setUp and tearDown at all - do something like this

     class MyTestCase: def _setup_for_foo_tests(): # blah blah blah def _setup_for_bar_tests(): # blah blah blah def test_foo_1(): self._setup_for_foo_tests() # test code def test_foo_2(): self._setup_for_foo_tests() # test code def test_bar_1(): self._setup_for_bar_tests() # test code # etc etc etc 

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