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Rails route for nested model

I have a rails model that is nested:

# app/models/frontend/item.rb
class Frontend::Item < Item

When I call


It tries to go to the '/frontend/items' path.

Is there a way to make it go to '/items' instead (without the inherited '/frontend')


rake routes

There is a very nice example of precisely what you want in the rails guides:



You've explicitly namespaced a Frontend::Item as a separate model from Item . Thus, a frontend_item properly routes to /frontend/items/:id .

To override that, add the following line to your routes file:

# routes.rb
match 'item/:id' => 'Frontend::Item#show'

Note that this will now conflict with the route for your Item model so you should remove that route.

The solution was to create a scope section:

# config/routes.rb
scope :module => "frontend", :as => 'frontend' do
  resources :items

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