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The usage of push in 16bit - tasm

    SUM DW 250h
     push SUM
     call func
      mov bp, sp
      mov ax, [bp + 2]
      inc ax
      mov [bp + 2], ax

When I use the push instruction do I push the reference of SUM, or the value? And does SUM changes after I call func?

You probably want to dereference the address you pass to the function

    SUM DW 250h
     push [SUM]
     call func
     mov bp, sp
     mov bx, [bp + 2]
     mov ax,[bx]
     inc ax
     mov [bx],ax
     mov [bp + 2], ax

That seems really roundabout, and I'm sure there's an easier way but I don't have a machine with tasm handy. Extra roundabout since you can't use [ax] :(

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