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Git push origin master getting 'origin' doesn't appear to be a git repository

What I have done:

git init 
git remote add master www.xyz.org/git/arkad

fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I have http access to the remote git.

How to fix this?


You added a remote called "master", not "origin". In your case you would need to do:

git push master master

You probably want to read the man page for git remote , and you might now want to rename your remote to origin :

git remote rename master origin

Additionally it appears you didn't specify a protocol to use to talk to the remote: it will probably be either ssh:// or git:// . Given the fact there are two problems with your remote config you might want to do the following to correct your configuration:

git remote rm master
git remote add origin ssh://www.xyz.org/git/arkad

Note: this assumes that you need to talk to the server over the ssh protocol, as noted above it could also be that you need to use the git protocol instead.

More useful help can also be found here courtesy of the awesome guys at github.com.

You have to push to correct remote server. Just look at here:

git remote -v 

For example my own personal repo gives me:

% git remote -v
origin  git@github.com:farslan/farslan.github.com.git (fetch)
origin  git@github.com:farslan/farslan.github.com.git (push)

Therefore I can use:

git remote origin master

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