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Python : How to insert a dictionary to a sqlite database?

I have a sqlite database with a table with following columns :

id(int) , name(text) , dob(text)

I want to insert following dictionary to it :


Dictionary keys are the column names. How can i achieve it ?

Looking at the documentation here you can add a single row:

c.execute("INSERT INTO stocks VALUES (?,?,?)", [dict["id"], dict["name"], dict["dob"]])

Or you can use a list and add multiple rows in one go:

# Larger example that inserts many records at a time
purchases = [('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSFT', 1000, 72.00),
             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'IBM', 500, 53.00),
c.executemany('INSERT INTO stocks VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', purchases)

Here's a way which preserves parameter safety. (Might need polishing in the tablename department)

def post_row(conn, tablename, rec):
    keys = ','.join(rec.keys())
    question_marks = ','.join(list('?'*len(rec)))
    values = tuple(rec.values())
    conn.execute('INSERT INTO '+tablename+' ('+keys+') VALUES ('+question_marks+')', values)

row = {"id":"100","name":"xyz","dob":"12/12/12"}
post_row(my_db, 'my_table', row)

If, for example, c = conn.cursor() , and your dictionary is named dict and your table tablename , then you can write

c.execute('insert into tablename values (?,?,?)', [dict['id'], dict['name'], dict['dob']])

Which will insert the elements of the dictionary into the table as you require.

To use dictionaries directly you can do:

user1 = {"id":100, "name": "Rumpelstiltskin", "dob": "12/12/12"}
c.execute("INSERT INTO users VALUES (:id, :name, :dob)", user1) 

Using along with instances/models:

class User:                                                                      

    def __init__(self, name, dob):                                            
        self.name = name                                                             
        self.dob = dao  

u1 = User("Rumpelstiltskin", "12/12/12")
c.execute("INSERT INTO users VALUES (:name, :dob)", u1.__dict__)

id is a keyword in Python, so if you want to use it as an identifier of an instance variable I would recommend using _id (and the same as your table's primary key name).

根据 Gareth 的回复,如果您使用MySQLdb您可以使用executemany并传递一个值列表,您可以使用executemany dict.values()直接从您的dict获取这些值

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