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Animate view - Spin, shrink and move off screen

I have a custom UIView class that I want to spin, shrink and move off screen at a random angle all at the same time.

I have this code that will spin the layer a few times

- (void)spinLayer:(CALayer *)inLayer duration:(CFTimeInterval)inDuration currentAngle:(CGFloat)curAngle
    CABasicAnimation* rotationAnimation;

    // Rotate about the z axis
    rotationAnimation = 
    [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.z"];

    // Rotate 360 degress, in direction specified
    rotationAnimation.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:(M_PI * 4 * direction) + curAngle];

    // Perform the rotation over this many seconds
    rotationAnimation.duration = inDuration;

    // Set the pacing of the animation
    rotationAnimation.timingFunction = 
    [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear];

    // Add animation to the layer and make it so
    [inLayer addAnimation:rotationAnimation forKey:@"rotationAnimation"];

which I call like this:

CGFloat angle = atan2(sender.transform.b, sender.transform.a);  // Current angle
[self spinLayer:sender.layer duration:0.5 currentAngle:angle direction:1]; //direction can be -1

But how can I now shrink the view and move it at the same time?


Rotating a view by 360 degrees yields no animation as the start and end state are identical. You should try using several values for the rotation values.

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