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Drupal, overriding add/edit form forms for custom content type

I have created a new content type called protocol. The problem is that when you define a content type that means you also say how in the form the content is to be added and edited, like which form elements there will be.

A protocol is a content type that stores a title, an abstract and instructions. I want to add the title/instructions/abstract through one textarea where you tag the parts of the text like this:

[title]This is a title[/title] [abstract]This is an abstract. [/abstract][instructions]And these are my instructions.[/instructions]

That text is then processed and the content between each tag can be picked out and stored in a variable which should then be stored for the content type just like it had been added through a seperate field/textarea in a add/edit content form.

Is this possible to do? What kind of things should I read up on? Where in the drupal code are the function/functions that describes what happens when you push "Save" for a new content type for the standard add content form?(I just want to read it, not change anything)

Not sure this exactly matches what you're trying to do, but in a basic sense it should get you towards your goal. I wrote a module called endorse for Drupal 6 that provides a custom form feeding the submitted values into a new node:


Here's the form definition:


Some basic validation follows and then the actual node save occurs at the top of the submit function, here up to line 231:


The rest in that function is irrelevant except for the thank you and redirect at the very end of the submit function. If you're doing this in D7, it'll change a bit (see api.drupal.org for function definitions and whatnot), but it should look more or les the same.

Steps to solve your problem.

  1. Create a module. Implement hook_menu with your custom add page.
  2. Create a custom form using FORM API that it's gonna be displayed in your new page.
  3. In your hook_form_submit get your values from the variable form state.
  4. Parse the text and create and save a new node (snippet here).

     $newNode = (object) NULL; $newNode->type = 'protocol'; $newNode->title = $parsed_title; $newNode->uid = 1; $newNode->created = strtotime("now"); $newNode->changed = strtotime("now"); $newNode->status = 1; $newNode->comment = 0; $newNode->promote = 0; $newNode->moderate = 0; $newNode->sticky = 0; // add CCK field data $newNode->field_{YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD_1}[0]['value'] = $parsed_data1; $newNode->field_{YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD_2}[0]['value'] = $parsed_data2; // save node node_save($newNode); 

Those are the basic steps. If you have any more questions please ask.

TIP: Install the Devel module and use the function dpm() when you need to know the contents of some variable. You are probably gonna need it when you are implementing hook_form_validate or hook_form_submit for knowing the contents in the variable $form_state.

So just do:

dpm($form_state); //this will give you the variables inside the array with a krumo view.

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