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Minifying scripts using GruntJs

I have a couple js files that I can seem to get GruntJs to concat/minify properly.

If I do each individually they work fine.

If I combine separately then attempt to minify just the combined file it doesn't work either.

Here is the error:

Any ideas on how to fix this? Or maybe what is causing it?

There is currently a problem with GruntJs and the BOM I mentioned in the comment of Derick's answer.

You can find the issue here: https://github.com/cowboy/grunt/issues/218#issuecomment-6329807

In Visual Studio to manually remove the BOM

Open the file > File > Advanced Save Options > Set the encoding to "Unicode without signature" > "Ok" That should remove it.

To clarify and make sure I understand:

  • You have 2 separate files. We'll call them File1 and File2
  • If you minify File1 by itself, it works fine
  • If you minify File2 by itself, it works fine
  • If you concat File1 and File2 together, then minify, you get this error

Is that correct?

If so, you probably have a missing semi-colon somewhere and are running in to errors caused by ASI (automatic semi-colon insertion).

(note that this is a guess based on the limited info you've provided. You would need to post a lot more detail about the files, the code, etc, to really give a better answer)

During concatenation of File1 and File2 u need add a in your options

For example ,

concat : {
             options : {
                  seperator  :';'
             dist : {
                 src : [ 'path/to/src/*.js'],
                 dest :  'path/to/dest.js'

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