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Hide/Show elements with jQuery

I have following site structure

<div id="movies">

     <a href="">
     <a href="">


There can be up to 50 a tags inside #movies . I want to show only 10 and reveal another 10 if the user requests it.

So I came up with following jquery code.

   var count = $("#movies a").length;

   if(count > 10){
       for(i = 11; i <= count; i++){
          $('#movies a:nth-child('+i+')').hide();   
       $('#more').append('<a>show more</a>');

   $('#more a').click(function(){
       var hidden = $("#movies a").filter(":hidden");

       var count = 0;
       for(element in hidden){
           if(count <= 10){

But this gives me Uncaught TypeError: Object 0 has no method 'show' . Any ideas why? What do I need to change/add to make the idea work?

You're using some practices which are a little weird:

  • Don't use a loop with nth-child ; just use $("#movies a").slice(10).hide() .
  • Use hidden.each(function() { ... }) and not a for in loop. Here, you could also use .slice to your advantage.
  • You don't increment count ; it's 0 all the time so the if clause is always true.

You can't loop using for(.. in ..) since that loops over the properties. Use jQuerys each method:

hidden.each(function() {
     var element = $(this);
     if(count <= 10)

Try a simpler solution like below,

$(function () {
   $("#movies a:gt(9)").hide(); 

   var $moviesA = $('#movies a');
   $('#more a').click(function(){
        var $visibleA = $("#movies a :visible"); //Edit: added a space
        $moviesA.slice($visibleA.length, $visibleA.length + 10).show();

DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/fKuGT/1

hidden is a jQuery object. Don't loop over it using for..in . Use .each .

    if(count <= 10){

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