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How do I enable drag drop of a file onto a NSTextField?

How do I enable drag drop of a file onto a NSTextField ?

I thought when I drop a file from filesystem to a NSTextField in my app, the path to the file is automatically written in the field.

Instead I can't drop it, and the field remains empty.

I've added this line:

[myTextField registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]];

but it doesn't work.

I couldn't find any drag&drop related method in the delegates: NSControlTextEditingDelegate or NSTextFieldDelegate .


You will need to subclass the NSTextField and override the -performDragOperation: method. Apple has several examples of how to handle dropped files in their Drag and Drop Programming Topics .

In case you set the NSTextFields behavior to editable you can drop a file right away without a line of code. Xcode 11, but also worked i earlier versions.


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