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Reload UIWebView from a popover view being displayed modally

I have a viewController called mainViewController that contains a UIWebView called "myWebView". mainViewController presents a popover viewController called subViewController. In subViewController I have a button that is supposed to reload the myWebView. Doing something like this:

   mainViewController *vc = [[mainViewController alloc] init];

does not work because it creates another instance of mainViewController. How can I reload the myWebView in the mainViewController that is currently presenting the popover window.

Unless I misunderstood your question, this seems fairly easy to accoumplish. I suppose you could sent a notification from UIPopoverController. First in your main view controller in viewWillAppear add self as observer:

     [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]addObserver:self selector:@selector(reloadMyWebView:) name:@"reloadWebView" object:nil];

You have to implement method on your main view controller that will do actual reloading, this would be

    - (void)realoadMyWebView:(NSNotification *)notification

make sure to remove yourself as a observer in viewWillDisappear

   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]removeObserver:self];

then you can post a notification from you popover controller

   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]postNotificationName:@"reloadWebView" object:nil userInfo:nil];

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