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Refactoring javascript objects with a large number of prototyped functions

I have a javascript object, which I've added a number of prototyped functions to, which mostly depend in some way on the members of the object.

myForm() {
    this.property1 = "Prop1";
    this.property2 = "Prop2";

myForm.prototype.loadValues = function(){ /*...*/);

myForm.prototype.setValues = function(){ /*...*/);

myForm.prototype.doStuff = function(){ /*...*/);

There are enough functions/code that it is currently sitting at ~4 thousand lines, and it is driving me nuts every time I have to debug it using dev tools/firebug. I was thinking of splitting this up as such.

myForm.js -

    this.property1 = "Prop1";
    this.property2 = "Prop2";
    new myFormLoadActions();
    new myFormSetActions();
    new myFormDoStuffActions();


    myForm.prototype.loadValues = function(){ /*...*/);


    myForm.prototype.setValues = function(){ /*...*/);


    myForm.prototype.doStuff = function(){ /*...*/);

I've trialled this, and it seems to work functionally. Is this a reccomended way of dealing with a large number of prototyped functions, or is there a better way?

Keep your old code, but simply scatter assignments to prototype over multiple files:

File 0

myForm() {
    this.property1 = "Prop1";
    this.property2 = "Prop2";

File 1

myForm.prototype.loadValues = function(){ /*...*/);

File 2

myForm.prototype.setValues = function(){ /*...*/);

As I noted in the comments, this is just a problem of one class doing too much but you realize that and just want smaller files, so here you go :)

To me, that looks a bit strange. I mean, you're constructing objects for their 'side-effects' (adding properties to a different object's prototype), and then throwing them away immediately:

    new myFormLoadActions();

The object that you've "newed up" doesn't actually do anything after instantiation, and you're not holding a reference to its instance, so it would be better just to be a callable function:


That's just my humble opinion though, feel free to argue!

I would recommend this approach coz it seems more neat to me and also not difficult to debug.

myForm() {
    this.property1 = "Prop1";
    this.property2 = "Prop2";

myForm.prototype = {
    loadValues: function(){ /*...*/),
    setValues: function(){ /*...*/),
    doStuff: function(){ /*...*/),

Another approach:

    this.property1 = "Prop1";
    this.property2 = "Prop2";
    myForm.prototype.loadValues = function(){ /*...*/);
    myForm.prototype.setValues = function(){ /*...*/);
    myForm.prototype.doStuff = function(){ /*...*/);

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