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How do I make content available on my site in exchange for a Facebook “like”

I have a site with a lot of for-purchase content. I also have some sampler content for "free".

A LOT of people download this sample content, and I would like to now only allow access to the free content if the user is willing to "like us" on facebook.

How can I implement this? I'm a rails developer, but it may not matter what the app is.

How can I ask a user to like us, and then verify that they have?

This answer is probably where you want to start: How can I make sure that someone has successfully "liked" my site when they press the "like" button on my site?

FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(response) {
  // fire an ajax call to store that the user has liked you

So then you'd handle in javascript that they have liked you, and you can unlock content to your new friends.

The best option is using the Javascript SDK from facebook. You can read all likes from an user or ask for specific page:

FB.api("/me/likes/" + PAGE_ID, function(response) {
    // Do some staff here with page data

FB.api("/me/likes/", function(response) {
    // Do some staff here with all pages data

You can use the Graph API explorer in order to test this:

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