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Recursive partials with Handlebars.js and require.js

I am trying to render a hierarchy of nodes using Handlebars. I use require.js and the plugin for Handlebars to pull the relevant templates. My attempts at calling a partial recursively fail miserably.

sample data

var data = {
    nodes: [
            title: "node 1",
            nodes: [
                {title: "node 1-1"},
                {title: "node 1-2"}
            title: "node 2"

require call

require(['hbs!templates/linker/sub'], function(tpl) {

basic template

{{#if nodes}}
    {{#each nodes}}

output (success)

   <li>node 1</li>
   <li>node 2</li>

template with partial
templates/linker/sub2 , calling the previous template as a partial

{{#if nodes}}
{{#each nodes}}
        {{> templates_linker_sub }}

output (success)

    <li>node 1
            <li>node 1-1</li>
            <li>node 1-2</li>
    <li>node 2</li>

template with recursive partial
templates/linker/sub3 , calling itself as a partial

{{#if nodes}}
{{#each nodes}}
        {{> templates_linker_sub3 }}

output (failure)

require.js times out, no output.

Am I wrong in assuming I can use recursive partials in this setup? Or did I miss something in writing my templates?

As a workaround, I defined a custom helper to apply a previously registered partial. The partial has already been compiled and is available through Handlebars.partials

define(['Handlebars', 'underscore'], function (Handlebars, _) {
    function partial(template, context, options) {
        var f = Handlebars.partials[template];
        if (!_.isFunction(f)) {
            return "";

        return new Handlebars.SafeString(f(context));
    Handlebars.registerHelper('recursivepartial', partial);
    return partial;

My modified template looks like

{{#if nodes}}
{{#each nodes}}
        {{recursivepartial "templates_linker_sub" this}}

I know this is very old, but I just created a pull request to the require-handlebars-plugin repo that will fix the problem. At the moment, the plugin will parse the partial and add all referenced partials as a dependency (hence creating a circular reference.) See here: https://github.com/SlexAxton/require-handlebars-plugin/pull/229

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