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passing variables form ruby to javascript

I am trying to get the value user selected from search prompt and pass it to javascript. in my search controller it's stored in @result. I am then finding what I need with (params[:query_id]

Wanted to make prompt for unsigned users a bit fancier by adding their selection to prompt. Tried it a simple way -

var selected = getElementById('#query').value;

But got this error message: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: getElementById

Tried to get this variable from a ruby array:

var selected= <%= @result.to_json %>;

But it returns null

Adding searh controller's code, as suggested:

def index respond_to do |format| format.html {render :text => "html"}

  format.js  do
    @search = SearchItem.search{ keywords params["query"] }

    @result = []
    @search.each_hit_with_result do |hit, item|
      @result << {:name => hit.stored(:name), :id => item.id}

    render :json => @result.to_json



Then in search html I have

  = form_tag find_from_query_entries_path, :remote => true, :id => "search_form" do
    = text_field_tag :query, nil
    = hidden_field_tag :query_id

getElementById is not defined in global object. It is a property of a document .


var selected = document.getElementById('#query').value;

Rails comes with jQuery so why not use it?

I think this is what you want.


But you should jump into the rendered html in your browser to check if the node you want to select as the name query (wich I think it's what rails does or id query as you think it is

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