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jQuery selector td with specific text

I have a jquery selector which looks like this:

$("#MasterListDVWP tr td:contains('" + currentSchool + "')").siblings("td:contains('Yes')").siblings("td:contains('CD'),td:contains('Other1')").each(function() {
// do something

Could someone help me to convert the selector so that it returns the object that matches the exact text rather than just contains? I know this isn't valid but something like this..siblings("td:equals('CD')")...

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

your best bet is probably the .filter() function. Pass it a function that tests the text of the elements you're checking

$('#MasterListDVWP tr td').filter(function(){
  return $(this).text() === currentSchool;
  return $(this).text() === 'CD' || $(this).text() === 'Other1';
  // do something

There is no jQuery selector like that, but you could create one:

jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
    containsExactly: function (obj, index, meta, stack) {
        if ($(obj).text() === meta[3]) {
            return true;
        return false;

If you do that, then you can now do:

$("#MasterListDVWP tr td:td:containsExactly('" + currentSchool + "')").siblings("td:containsExactly('Yes')").siblings("td:td:containsExactly('CD'),td:td:containsExactly('Other1')").each(function() {
// do something

Try it out!

It is not possible with bare selectors.

Maybe you can use .filter() like:

     function (index) { return $(this).text() == "textToMatch"; }

For multiple filterings on the same element:

     function (index) { 
          return $(this).text() == "textToMatch" && $(this).text()=="anotherText"; 

or just chain various .filter() declarations together.

Use || (or) instead of && to find TD's with a text or another.

Filtering rows TD's with a text

$("#table_id tr td").filter(
     function (index) { return $(this).text() == text_to_find; }

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