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Less CSS - access part of class name and use in mixin

In Less, is it possible to access part of a class name and use within a mixin?

This will be best explained with an example:

I have a grid which i have declared as follows:

.columns (@columns) {
    //code here to generate column widths

//This is where my problem is:
.column-1 {
    .col (1)
.column-2 {
    .col (2)
.column-3 {
    .col (3)
// etc etc

Obviously there is a lot of repetitive code going on here. Ideally i would like to be able to not have to declare column-1 column-2 etc and have some way, regex perhaps, of parsing the class name, and using the value after the dash to automatically calculate the column width. I am almost certain twitter bootstrap is doing something similar but i cant understand it:

.spanX (@index) when (@index > 0) {
      (~".span@{index}") { .span(@index); }
      .spanX(@index - 1);
    .spanX (0) {}

I think you'll understand that :

.columnX (@index) when (@index > 0) {          // Guarded mixin: use this mixin when the condition is true (like an if statement)
    (~".column-@{index}") {                    // outputs .column-0 as a class name
        .col(@index);                          // for the contents, use the col mixin
    }    // which class you are doing

    .columnX(@index - 1);                      // Recursive call to the same mixin, going down by 1
.columnX (0) {} // Default implementation so that when .columnX(0) is called, a matching mixin is found.

.col (@index) {
    // actual css that will be applied to column-1 if @index is 1
    width: @index * 10px; // for example
.columnX(3);                                   // number of columns you want

Edit (missed the ; of .columnX(3); ) Edit Added more comments

All this should give the result :

.column-3 {
    width: 30px;
.column-2 {
    width: 20px;
.column-1 {
    width: 10px;

This is essentially the same as @sherbrow's answer, but a little more concise and doesn't error. Consider this a long explanatory comment to support his correct answer - it's just a lot more than fits in a comment!

You'll use a LESS loop mixin like this as an intermediate helper, and then call it specifying the number of classes you want to generate. Here's how to do .column-1 , .column-2 , and .column-3 . If say you wanted to go up to four columns: just do .columns(4) instead of .columns(3) [line 9]. To go up to five columns, just do .columns(5) .

1    // we'll call this if we want to build columns
2    .columns(@i) when (@i > 0) {
3      .column-@{i} {
4        .col(@i)
5      }
6      .columns(@i - 1)
7    }
8    // for example, here we build columns 1-3
9    .columns(3);

which will compile to the result of

.column-1 {.col(1)}
.column-2 {.col(2)}
.column-3 {.col(3)}

(Your question assumes there's already a mixin .col(@x) so I'm assuming that too. See 4 for how to skip that extra step.)

Here's what's happening:

  1. The whole first chunk [lines 1-7] just sits there until called.
  2. .columns(3) [line 9] sends us to the .columns(@i) mixin [line 2], assigning the variable @i the value 3 .
  3. Because @i (3) is greater than 0 [line 2], we satisfy the guard and are allowed past the { [line 2].
  4. .column-@{i} {...} [lines 3-5] is what this mixin will output.
    • @i is 3, so the output will be .column-3 {.col(3)}
    • the syntax @{i} is used to insert the variable's value as a string
    • If you don't need to use .col(@x) anywhere else, you could also just drop styles in here directly, eg (a là @sherbrow) .column-@{i} {width: @i * 10px}
  5. And then the loop : after compiling lines 3-5, call this mixin again but with a different value [line 6]: .columns(@i - 1) ==> .columns(3 - 1) ==> .columns(2) .
  6. Back to the top [line 2]: @i , now 2, is greater than zero, so we're allowed in. output .column-2 {.col(2)} (where .col(2) is immediately compiled, so your compiled CSS actually reads .column-2 { the.col(2)styles } )
  7. And keep outputting and looping until @i isn't greater than 0 (ie stop after .columns(1) ).

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