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Change Twitter provider after initialization with Omniauth gem

I'm using Omniauth to authenticate at Twitter, but I have 2 apps registred with diferent names that I want to use depeding on the current locale(session scope).

So I need to change the provider key and secret defined at omniauth.rb file right before user calls auth/twitter( I was thinking to do a before_filter but auth/twitter is an external link to twitter and not a regular action) or a way to config Omniauth to define providers by locale instead of define for the entire application scope.

So how can I do that ? Any idea?

What you need to do is set setup to true in omniauth builder

  Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
    provider :twitter , :setup => true

Then set add following to your routes.rb file to define which route will be called for setup

  get '/people/auth/twitter/setup' => 'sessions#twitter_setup' #needed for devise setup phase hook to work

After so just set the omniauth strategy in the session controller that meet the route for setup

def twitter_setup
  request.env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:consumer_key] = YOUR_DYNAMIC_KEY
    request.env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:consumer_secret] = YOUR_DYNAMIC_SECRET_KEY
    render :plain => "Setup complete.", :status => 404

this will enable you to load the apps you need

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