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Float div to the left while keeping it's “left” css property

so as the title says i need to float my div with absolute position to the left while keeping left: 100px or whatever it's set to, for example let's say i have these rules:


Now how can i float it to the left side which would be left:0px without using this left command, i need something similar to float:left also javascript is totaly acceptable.

And if any one is wondering why i need this quite strange thing is because i want to keep this object offset so later i could bring it back to it's original position.

You cannot do this. Absolutely positioned objects can only be moved by changing one or more of left , top , bottom , right (or relocating them inside the DOM tree).

If you want to be able to move the element to a previous position, save the value of left somewhere so that you can restore it when the time comes. It's easy to do and will be by itself enough to accomplish almost anything you will want it to.

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