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How do I include an element's margin in the hot-spot for jQuery's hover() event?

    //do code
   }, function(){
    //do code

.my_container { width: 100px; height: 100px; margin: 50px; }

The code above doesn't react to mouse over of margin (margin isn't a part of element?) - how can I change that?

You could use a 50px transparent border instead - the margin isn't really supposed to be mouseable...

Include a pseudo element , eg

.my_container:before {

This adds an extra 50px to the existing element's clickable area.

If you only want to add this on touch screen devices, you could do this:

.touchevents .my_container:before {

This requires something like Modernizer to insert the appropriate feature-based CSS class.


As per @Jaladh's comments, you may also need to apply position:relative to the container element, since position:absolute above will be relative to the first ancestor with a position attribute:

.my_container {

Perhaps use a 2nd wrapper element with padding on the outer element and existing background and padding styles on the inner element:

<div class="my_container">
    <div class="my_container_inner">
        <!-- etc. -->
  //do code
}, function(){
  //do code
.my_container { padding: 50px; }
.my_container_inner { width: 100px; height: 100px; /* etc. */ }

Building upon @Dunc's solution, you can alternatively use pseudo element to mimic your container and let actual container behave like margins . This will look like:

.my_container { 
    width: calc(100px + (2 * 50px));
    height: calc(100px + (2* 50px));

    position: relative;

.my_container::before {
    content: '';
    position: absolute;
    top: 50px;
    bottom: 50px; 
    left: 50px;
    right: 50px; 

Also make sure to move all other properties (like background color, border, etc.) you had in my_container to my_container::before because before is acting like our container here.

This is essentially helpful if your containers are grid items and you want gaps in-between them to be hoverable , because otherwise using psuedo element to add margins won't work appropriately in that case.

Change the margin to padding and it'll be hoverable.

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