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Odd table rows not highlighting

I have a table that highlights all the odd rows.

To do this, I just check what the row number is and apply the alt class to said row.

I then highlight the row on hover using a simple :hover in the CSS file.

It highlights the non- .alt rows perfectly, but not the alt rows.

Here is my CSS code:

.datagrid tr:hover, .datagrid tr.alt:hover {

What am I doing wrong?

dont apply those cumbersome class changing methods. Instead use the css selector

.datagrid tr:nth-child(even):hover {background: #CCC}
.datagrid tr:nth-child(odd):hover {background: #FFF}

js fiddle

It works without needing the .alt selector.

See http://jsbin.com/ixokoj/2/edit

instead of

.datagrid tr:hover, .datagrid tr.alt:hover 





use the following

.datagrid tr.alt:hover 





The above will apply the background color and color to the rows which has class as "alt" and only when they are hovered.

Hope this helped.

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