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Browser compatibility issues with PHP website

I have a website called www.kratosguide.com .

The site works as expected for approximately 90% of users, however, I have been getting a LOT of complaints recently that the page doesn't load completely in certain browsers such as chrome/firefox/opera.

Here is a screenshot that someone sent me of how the page loads: http://i.imgur.com/sqNX4.jpg

It appears that only the header and footer is loading and the content from index.php is not.


Here is a link that demonstrates a user stating the issue above -- (4th comment down).

My host is unable to replicate the issue on their end and they say it works fine. My friend kept refreshing his page cache and he could replicate the error but only intermittently.

Thanks in advance.

* * *EDIT: I forgot to mention the site runs on WordPress, also the site works fine for me in every browser, which makes it hard for me to see where the problem is coming from.

Check the console. You have some errors

Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined - 068690ea.84e407.js:24

Probably caused by this script being called before the jquery library.

It's difficult to tell what is causing the error without being able to replicate it. I'd try to load it in various browsers and see if I can get it to do that. Then take a look at the console for any errors and inspect the DOM to see if the content even loads.

Yes, I still see the errors in the log.

Let me be clearer.

For me the web page loads and is visible 100%, but when I look at the console I see what is shown below. This is an indication you have a problem. My personal settings allow me to see the page but with different settings or plugins I would not be able to see the page. You need to fix your XSS error.

You can reproduce the problem yourself!

Download chrome (or firefox) and then load the page, look at the console, see the error.

Then fix it.

Original answer below

First step, fix these errors shown by chrome. Looks like you have a XSS error.


I saw over 1200 unused CSS element on your page. Try to optimize the amount of data a user has to download to see your website. I had similar issues with my site and I realized how much stuff users had to load to see my website.

I tested it under Firefox, Chrome, IE7+. I didn't get any issues.

You seems to be using WordPress so you might want to check the WordPress community for similar problem.

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