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Reconnect MongoDB using MongoSkin ( Nodejs )

I have been using MongoSkin( Nodejs ) plugin to connect Mongodb as below.

    var db = mongo.db(dbconfig.mongo_ip+'/'+dbconfig.mongo_db_name);
    db.collection('myprofile').findOne({_id:memberid}, function(err, session){



If i got the mongo connection error from node.js, then how do i reconnect the same using mongoskin,

Mongo Connect errr: Error: failed to connect to [localhost:27017]
    at [object Object].<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongoskin/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/server.js:184:51)
    at [object Object].emit (events.js:45:17)
    at [object Object].<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongoskin/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/connection_pool.js:110:14)
    at [object Object].emit (events.js:45:17)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongoskin/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/connection.js:301:10)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:42:17)
    at Array.33 (net.js:799:27)
    at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:108:26)

Please help me on this.

A good place to start is


but I assume you need to call open on db under mongoskin as well as in the driver.

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