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PHP Zip Archive - open or extractTo is not working

I'm completely at a loss for explaining why this isn't working. HELP!

$archive = "x.zip";
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$res = $zip->open($archive);

if ($res === 'TRUE') {
    $unzip_success= $zip->extractTo('/temp/', "inscriptions.txt")

  • the target dir "temp" is "0777" permissions
  • the code obtained from $res is "11" and not "TRUE" as required by the documentation on PHP.net
  • note: must put the full url for $archive and the first argument of extractTo

if nothing works then check if your server is linux. if its linux you can run unzip command to unzip your file via php's system/exec function. ie

system("unzip archive.zip");

to extract specific file you can check man docs for unzip. many times due to server parameters zip library doesn't work as expected in that cases i switch back to linux commands.

The problem is that you are quoting TRUE , which is a keyword and should be left without single quotes. Plus, you could check if the file exists in the zip archive prior to its extraction with locateName :

$archive = "x.zip";
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$res = $zip->open($archive);

if ($res === true && $zip->locateName('inscriptions.txt') !== false) {
    $unzip_success= $zip->extractTo('/tmp/', "inscriptions.txt");


ZipArcive::extractTo is case-sensitive. If file's name to be extracted do not meet zipped one exactly, the method returns false.

I faced the same problem, I have fixed this :) Use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] for url. My code (codeigniter):

$file = $this->input->GET('file');
$this->unzip->extract($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/TRAS/application/uploads/' .    $file,$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/TRAS/application/views/templates/' . $file);

If $res is equal to 11, that means that ZipArchive can't open the specified file.

To test this:

$archive = "x.zip";
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$res = $zip->open($archive);

if($res == ZipArchive::ER_OPEN){
    echo "Unable to open $archive\n";

Adding document root is what worked for me as well. here is my code

$zip = new ZipArchive;
        if ($zip->open($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$folder.$file_path) === TRUE) {
            echo 'ok';

I meet same problem, but I can open the zip file, it returns true after open.

My issue is I got false after $zip->extractTo() .

I finally success after delete files named in CHINESE (NO-ENGILISH) in the zip file.

I had the same problem on Windows 10. The only solution I found was just to try extractTo twice, even though the open() was successful:

$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($open === true) {
    $result = $zip->extractTo($destination);
    if ($result === false) {
        $result = $zip->extractTo($destination);

The fact that the second extractTo() works (with no intervening action) would seem to indicate that there's nothing wrong with the archive or the destination directory.

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