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“pip install Plone” installation error

$ pip install Plone

installed a lot of packages but then aborted with this error:

 File "/Users/rob/.virtualenvs/plone/bin/../lib/python2.7/site.py", line 172, in addpackage
  File "string>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'z3c'

Plone does not support installation via pip , even though it can be found as a Python package with pip search Plone .

I found this out by asking this question on the #plone IRC channel.

Per @SteveM's comment, easy_install and setup_tools just can't deal with all the known-good-set issues for an application with as many dependencies as Plone. That's what buildout is good for.

Full trace of error
Reasons why it fails

The problem was likely in z3c.objpath 1.0 which did not have namespace declaration. Fixed and released in z3c.objpath 1.1.

(I had the same error when trying to build Plone docs on RTD via pip.)

如果你想用pip try plock安装Plone。

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